Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Power of Protein!

I have been blogging mostly the trials of a moody teenager. Right now I know that we can't survive another month the way it has been.

We were getting hair cuts a couple of days ago, something that takes about an hour and bit to have all 6 heads looking handsome. Usually during this time, the older ones wander around the stores near by, usually Sports Chek. They come back with a want list... and then continue to dream.

Sammy saw a ball cap. "Can you get this for me?" he asked.

"Can you stop with your moodiness for a week?" I asked. Can you sense my desperation? I am not beyond bribery or positive incentives!

OK... was the deal... one week of controling his moodiness and the ball cap will be his. Part of this is to simply calm him down to a place of talking to him without his attitude plugging his ears.

After talking to a friend about his moods etc., I realized that food was part of his issue. I have always known that when he is hungry, he is unreasonable. Yet it was pointed out to me the importance of PROTEIN and how much we need (even children).

I am not a huge fan of protein in general. Carbs are my friend. So I struggle to ingest an adequate amount myself. We always have the typical meat, carb and veggies kind of meal at home. But when we eat out, I am not usually on top of it. And I did not realize the amount of protein that one needs in a day!

I pointed out to Sammy that we needed to make a conscience effort of eating protein at each meal and snack time. He is not a big breakfast person. Shakes... he likes. So it is making sure that is happening.
Lunch is not his favorite time either, unless it is gourmet. So he is not really eating enough to ward off his moods.

Interesting... in the last 24 hours, with constant efforts of food and making protein a big part of his diet, we have had A FULL DAY without mood swings!

ONE DAY! Hey, if it means a hat a week... protein power... and no moodiness... I am all for it!


My brother's response to this was "who knew that eating properly would be the answer!" He is such a smart mouth.


  1. So excited that you are seeing a difference so quickly!!! It gets better with consistency...the blood sugars are much more stable. Also look into the fish oil(make sure it's the brand that I showed you!)...the brain needs DHA to function properly...check out this info...
    Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Since you mentioned food and diet...I have switched my boys over a year ago to no food dyes, no artificial flavors or is officially known as the Feingold Diet...It does help...althought there is always the underlying intensity in my oldest son. Another thing is to look into adequate Vit. D intake....that can affect moods as well...A naturapath told me that kids need 25 grams of protein/day...although your probably more at the adult doseage know..give his age??

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, diet is directly related to your mood/temperamant. You seem to be an avid reader, pick up a copy of "Counsels on Food & Diet" by Ellen G. White. Apply the principles found in this gem of a book and you will see an amazing difference!

    Who else would know how to keep your mind and body functioning at its optimum than the One who created every intricate detail in you.

  4. Best to omit does a number on you moods!

  5. The problem with the counsels on diets and foods book is that it is not from God...nothing that woman wrote it from God. She contradicts the Bible at every turn and has contributed to alot of angst in alot of people..I thank God everyday that I KNOW I AM opposed to what EGW says....Just my 2 cents worth :)

  6. SG, we're all entitled to our beliefs. I was merely suggesting a book; why are you so bitter about it?

    I thank the Lord that we ALL are saved.

  7. I thank God I am saved by the grace of Ellen White. :)

  8. Hi Anonymous,
    I agree we are all entitled to our beliefs. It just really saddens me when I see so many people close to me that are caught up in the legalistic trappings of what EGW and the SDA church represent. I am thankful it is all about Jesus for me and not about the day or a particular denomination....
