Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today Josh had a lovely play date with one of his little friends. It is always great to go to a friend's because the toys are new and he is happy and occupied. He is not yet real social away from his brothers.

I was able to chat and catch up with my girlfriend. We talked about a variety of things, yet one stuck out in my mind. Egos... and how we let others make us feel about ourselves. They may not do this intentionally yet we (in our insecurities) make it about us.

She was saying how not having gone further in her education, can feel inferior or less than in that area with someone who may have gone to university etc.

The funny thing is that as I was driving home I realized that I feel so unlearned when I am with her. She is so educated on nutrition, health, and life in general. She is brilliant and a true motivational speaker. After I am in her presence for just a bit, I leave so motivated to be better or do better for myself and my children.

I love it! She is a wealth of knowledge. She is so smart and real and her spirit is simply refreshing.

So I realized as I walk away... feeling like there is so much I am not doing for my kids (not that she made me feel this way... I am making myself feel this way).. I have to realize that we are each gifted in special areas. This is what makes us who we are.

I am sure that I have strengths and continue to seek those out. Yet I appreciate and enjoy her company for the wealth of knowledge I get from our conversations. I love the trueness of our friendship. There is no fluff. Just real appreciation and love and gratitude for the gift that friends are in our lives.

What better school than the knowledge that comes from friends? I don't feel like I have much to "teach" her... but hey one never knows what is being passed.

So I realize that life is the best teacher... God puts into our path just the right relationship at the right time. Ever wonder how so and so had been in your life for years... yet NOW you have developed a real friendship? Why now? I don't wonder anymore. I know that I will be blessed by this person at some point and it is all simply about God's time not ours.


  1. As someone who has many degrees, I have realized that I am not any smarter, than folks who don't have degrees. I just had more time to sit through school.

    A friend of mine who had his doctoral degree told me that the secret was time. "Just persevere, Kumar" and you'll get it done."

    I have met many ignorant people, all who were professors in grad school.

    It isn't about education, it is about experience. The more people you know and experiences you have, will all broaden your worldview and give you greater wisdom.

  2. "As you move into the world of inspiration, you'll find it easy- and even necessary- to give THANKS for all the people in your life, and to take serious note of what they brought(taught) you."
    Wayne Dyer

    Reema, I love you and am so grateful that you are my friend. You have taught me so much...how to open up and share from my heart...how to be a 'real', and really good friend etc. etc. etc.
    Thank you for sharing yourself with me...I am truly blessed!!!! My life is better because of your influence!
