Sunday, January 25, 2009


I was the first one to talk about Facebook. I didn't understand this people who commented on what they were doing every few hours. But I have to admit, as my "friends" list grows, I am one of those hooked on it.

I like the fact that you can see what people from" yesterday" have been up to, or look at their pictures of family and friends. It is a great way to catch up and peep into someone's life. It is a nice way to have people in your life that you wouldn't normally stay in touch with every day.

I also like the fact that you can go on line and know that someone you know is on line too.

OK, maybe I am a loser. But I have so many friends from years ago. We will always be friends. But not the kind of friends that will chat or write every day or even once a month. But I know that in the world of cyber space, we are connected. I like that.

I like that you can write a liner to their comment and not feel rude or obligated to write a "catch up " letter. I like being "friends" with my friends children, so I can see into their world and "know" them in a way I wouldn't otherwise.

So I am a Facebook junkie. Later in the evening, while Sanj is studying or out... I know that there is someone there from "my world" that is there with me.

Is this pathetic or what? Probably. But I am enjoying it!

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