Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I am struck by the self confidence that people have! I love it! And if the truth be told, sometimes it shocks me! At the Y (our family's gym) I am shocked by the lack of self consciousness in the dressing rooms.

I am self conscious of the flaws of my body. I hate seeing myself in all its glory... that I would die exposing myself to total strangers! Yet women of all shapes and sizes... most far from that perfect body... are strutting around, blowing drying their hair or putting on makeup... NAKED!

Maybe I have a phobia of naked bodies. Or maybe I am just shocked at the reality of bodies in general. Is it possible that NOBODY has a perfect body? At least in the real world? I know there are people that work on their bodies as a job or it comes with the job such as actresses or models.

But... I guess when I see a girl/lady with a petite frame... cute little body that I didn't appreciate when I may have had it... I just assume that under the clothes is naked royality.

Today I realized that maybe this isn't true. There was a YOUNG girl... who had not had children and was a cutie in her clothes. But being one of the strippers in the change room, I was surprised to see that underneath it... there was obvious flaws!

The truth is I really hate my body. I wish I could just blink my tummy away and have a back that hurt people's eyes to see me in my backless dress. Nope. And yet I really do want to achieve this. SO ... I keep trying to eat right or exercise.

But unfortunately for me, I am not disciplined by nature. I am easily distracted. I am so ADHA. I make myself believe the excuses I come up with.

But I want to love my body. I really need to appreciate it for all it continues to do, despite how much I abuse it. Think of how much stress 6 babies did to me. Yet my body still acts like it is all good. Despite all the junk I fool myself into believing it wants, it still forgives me.

So as I stare at the different kinds of bodies parading around the change room, I can also appreciate that we are all there in that building trying to take care of our bodies, even if it for that moment.

More power to you naked folks! I admire your love for yourself

Could you just not sit anywhere naked?

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