Saturday, October 25, 2008

Inside Out!

Ever have car problems? Even have your vehicle break down on the road or highway? I remember so clearly MANY a time when the car I was driving to university from Ohio to Michigan would do that "CAPLUNK!" Oh I hated that sinking, helpless feeling! And this was before cell phones... I was left to my own imagination to get out of my troubles.

I remember being an hour or so from school and my car quit. I was in the middle of nowhere... either way I walked, I would have to be a long way for help. So of course my only choice was to pray and beg God to help me. Then there is that moment when you see another car's blinker go on and your heart begins to pound again. Is this a crazy or "bad" guy? So you pray even harder... "please God... keep me safe."

This older couple stops... there is a Bible on the dash... hum... a ruse or a Christian?

So they ended up insisting on taking me to the farmer's house behind me... who is a mechanic of sorts... saying he would help me out. I ended up hanging out with these wonderful people, as the farmer fixed my car. Then this lovely couple insisted on following me bad to school till I reached safe and sound.

Honestly, I truly believe they were angels. I never forgot their kindness... and God's answer to my prayer.

Our vehicles are pretty dependable for the most part (of course you know my van and its issues of being a lemon).

I am so grateful that if they break down we have the means to take care of it. There is nothing like that feeling of helplessness.
I hate it.

As I see people on the roadside or hear of a vehicle breaking down, it sucks. I think of all the things we take for-granted daily. Then I think of others who would just be happy to have a bike.

Thank you God for your continued faithfulness. Whether it is a bike, money for gas or a friend to pick us up. I am grateful just for the simple fact that FORDS aren't in my life anymore. :P

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