Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Joshua Daniel....

My house is SOOO quiet right now!!! 3 are asleep and 3 are on their way home from Youth Group. I am enjoying the rain outside and listening to the wind!!! Oh yah, I can hear my laundry tossing around too.

Today I didn't have to pick up the boys from school. Sanj grabbed them on his way home from Port Hope. What a nice break that was. It just gave me that little extra hour to get ahead start on my supper and tidy up.

I had quite a day with Josh today. He is very obsessively compulsive. Most days I can handle his corkiness but today I was ready to go over the edge! He HAS to have his jeans pulled over his cowboys boots or shoes. Emphasis on HAS TO! He knows the second they ride up... and stops whatever he is doing ... needing them pulled down.

Today I was at Winners and got him a toy. Iron Man and his car. Well I thought this would occupy him a bit while I did some errands. NOPE!!! Iron Man would not sit in the car way that Josh needed him to sit. He was so bothered by this that he really did not enjoy the toy at all and my afternoon was shot with his discombobulation.

He hates his hair wet after a shower. He cries and says "tell Helena (our hairdresser) to shave it off." Then 10 minutes later, when it is dry, he will say, "its all better, my hair is not bothering me anymore!"

He loves dress shirts and ties. He needs the top button done up for all his shirts. He can not handle it any other way. He has to hold a banana a certain way... so his hands don't get messy.

He hates when someone touches his food. Don't mess with his plate. Hands off!

The list goes on. I love him to death. He loves me to death!

But I am so glad for the quietness that bedtime brings!
And then there is tomorrow....

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