Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Sanj and his office staff are off to New Orleans tomorrow. I am feeling jealous that I can't go. Well, I could have gone, but figuring out all the logistics as far as the kids go seemed like too much work. Being gone on school days makes it more complicated.

OH fine. I will just have a pity party for myself. Unfortuately that probably means food is involved. Comfort ... at any price!

Not only is my husband going to a city I REALLY want to go and never have been... he has lost 30 pounds.


OK... I am jealous. I am jealous that he is born with discipline. He is so focused. He sets his mind to something and dada...
he accomplishes it!

OH well... jealousy is a green eyes monster. I'd better quit blogging about this because I am getting grumpy.

Have a good trip Sanj. Don't call me though, while you are having fun!

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