I am laying in bed with my sidekicks... Josh and Zach. We are just relaxing. They are watching America's Funniest Videos and I am reading my book. Sanj and the boys got back from hockey a bit ago. It is one of those lazy nights where everyone is relaxing in their own way.
Tomorrow will be busy getting ourselves back to the reality of school. :(
I just wanted to say a quick Thank You to my readers...
To my friends, mainly on Facebook, that read my posts, thank you for your comments and words of encouragements. I love you!
Thank you! It is such a compliment to me that you take time to read my thoughts.
I am flattered. I love your comments back (especially you, Anonymous) and just wanted to say I do appreciate you.
To my friend, Anonymous,
I can't wait to "meet" you... someday!
To say I love you all seems weird but it is a truth because of you ( my readers) I have grown and learned so much...
Happy New Years...
Love you back....