Monday, January 11, 2010

I Got Me A Wife!

I got a wife!  Well, it is the closest thing that I will likely get to a wife.  After being without a cleaning person for a month... nagging, delegating... melting down... this is a need and priority in our life.

(Don't get me wrong... the boys have their chores and responsibilities and therefore nagging will still occur but... I have help again).

Sanj has been a gem and has been getting into the nitty gritty of it all.  I love this man....   Yesterday while I was out getting groceries on the way home from hockey... Sanj told the boys to clean up their rooms etc.

I was feeling so good about fact that the task had been started.  We were having family over for supper and that didn't leave a lot of time.

At some point, I walked into the laundry room which is off our eat-in kitchen.  I think I was having the beginnings of a heart attack.  (Actually, as I am typing this out, my heart is racing).  Really, only if I took a picture of the room (which I just can't), would you get a little feel for the eruption that occurred in there.

There is a laundry shoot from the boys bathroom.  Half the time, it isn't used, as apparently, it is easier to just leave the clothes on the floor after a shower.  But suddenly when they were to clean their room, they found use for the shoot.

Imagine how many pieces of clothing 6 boys can have then times that by 2.  Now imagine all those clothes being shoved down the throat of the shoot.... with all that shoving... it throws up!  My laundry room had so many clothes... clean and dirty... I could only stand there.

I stood there trying to breathe.  I was having trouble.  My eyes start to tear...  my shoulders started to shake.  I put my hands over my eyes and cry right there in front of all of them. They stare at me.
Josh is upset and hugs me.  Sanj is looking at Sammy (who really didn't care) and Tyler, who immediately puts a load in the wash.

That is one of the only things that gets a response out of them.  I could feel my tears drying up, but I still wanted more of a reaction.  I think of the laundry again, it will take me days to get it done.  By then there will be more shoved down the shoot and floors and under the beds... and then that will take more days.  Laundry!!!  It always sends me over the edge.  The tears started to come again.

Sanj reminds me that the cleaning lady will be coming tomorrow... and we will figure it out.
Ah yes, my wife .... there is hope.

This means cutting down on the eating out.  I am good with that, though.  I don't think cooking in my clean kitchen is as burdensome as laundry and toilets.

Vows for My "Wife"...
Oh cleaning lady, who we so need...
Do you vow to take this house and keep it in top notch shape?
Do you vow to change sheets, wipe off pee off the floors and seats, wipe off crustacean off surfaces that should have none, dust, wipe finger prints off my fridge and stove, mop the footprints off the floor and mostly importantly, keep on top of the laundry?
Do you promise to love my house as your own, maybe a little more?

What will I do, you ask?  All the other stuff!  Maybe even get firewood!  lol
Oh yah and  be happier!
Thank you, Jesus, for people that love to clean.  May you bless them with an extra blessing.

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