Friday, January 1, 2010

Back to Real Life!

Ah... all the festivities are over... back to reality that school and work are awaiting us on Monday.
Hockey, groceries, laundry are all there.

It feels weird to think that we are entering 2010!  How time has flown by!  And yet as I look at this year ahead of me, I can't help but feel that this is a year that has so much to offer.

Maybe it is simply because last year was full of big firsts for us...

  • My first child was to graduate from Rhema (grade school).
  • My first child was to begin high school.
  • My youngest was beginning his school adventures.
  • My youngest was no longer a baby (though there are days...).
  • My first time in a very long time that I had me time.
  • My first time dipping my toes in the work world.
This year brings many of those things again, my second child will be leaving Rhema and entering the big world of high school.  And while I am still feeling all those emotions that I did with Sammy, I know that it is all good.

So this year, 2010 is a little bit more about me.  I wrote a blog about feeling something... I knew I was on the cusp of something... I thought it was about writing... or seeing myself as a writer... but I realized just the other day that this feeling that was so foreign to me finally has a name.

For the first time ever... I believe in myself.  I finally believe in me!

It took 41 years to achieve it, but I know that I can do things if I set myself to do so.

So it still baby steps, but I am feeling this New Year is the Year that I allow myself to be the Best Me I Can Be...  with the help of God, of course.

The Best You... maybe you are already there.  How wonderful!  If you are not, why not join me on this journey?

I am so looking forward to what 2010 holds!
Happy New Years!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey. It is a joy and an inspiration to watch!
    Happy New Year and God bless!
