OK...this is my last blog for tonight... I did say I had a lot running through my head. I just didn't have time to write it all in one blog... and it would seem too crazy a blog... butt bumping, church issues and finding some answers.
Today, as I said, I went to church... begrudgingly. As I walked in, I had this passing thought, maybe Ray (Hendriks, our former principal) will be speaking. Sure enough, it was my lucky day.
I was thinking of men that I can see God through. There are not many men (maybe a father figure type) that I see that in... but in the last years, I can name a couple that I admire and see as Godly men.
This does not mean they are perfect. I have no unrealistic notions of their perfections. I just see wisdom and God's love that comes through them.
Ray is one of these men. I used to love going to him with my issues and concerns, nervous... and leave his office totally at ease and usually with my heart full of good thoughts.
Today he preached about God's name. He was talking about Moses and the burning bush...about God calling Moses to be used to free His people. God says "when the people ask who sent you... I am who I am sent me.
I am... He is unchanging, unending, constant and forever.
How I needed to hear that today. I have a Father who is a constant. I so often focus on my earthly father's lack of presence in my life that I forget...
"I have a God who speaks out of a burning bush!!!" I am not alone.
This is some of Ray's message... but this is the message that I so needed today!
Ray was speaking of being overwhelmed at times by the demands of a week... and then he was reminded that God promised to "Walk this journey with you."
I was feeling overwhelmed by the thought of parenting these 6 sons of mine. WHO AM I TO DO THIS? WHO AM I TO KNOW THE WAYS TO REACH AND YET DISCIPLINE MY CHILD? Today... I realized that I am not in this journey alone!!! Thank you,God! Please help me.
I was feeling the burden of my bad and unhealthy eating habits... and watching my children learning and struggling with this too. I was feeling the burden of lack self control and wondering how I will teach this to my children? Today... I realized that I am not alone in this journey. Thank you, God. Please help me.
I was really struggling with helping my son with his struggle with reading. I suck at this. It was my struggle. I don't know the answers. And yet, I know that this is a key year. I know that I have to help him conquer this struggle so that he finds success. I feel panicked. Today... I realized that I am not alone in this journey. Thank you, God. Please help me help my boy.
I never really got the fullness of the name... till today. I am ... He is ...He really is... NOW and Tomorrow. He is there for me. I always got it... but today I got it!
I am not alone. Now... for me to not forget this... For me to remember to just call out. I always wished I had a dad I could phone and say, "Daddy... I need help." I never had that. But then again... I always did.
This was church today. It was good. I met God there today.
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