Friday, September 4, 2009

Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night!

I have so much that I need to get out by writing... and I don't even know where to start!
So let me tell you how beautiful a night it was last night... so bright and gorgeous. I had to take of a picture of the moon... in this picture, it really isn't all that... but I just love a full moon...

Last night was our school's Meet the Teacher BBQ... It is always a great way to start off the school with the excitement of reuniting with friends, making some new ones, checking out the classrooms... and food to top it off!

I always feel so charged! I love it! I feel like (as much as I have loved being with my kids this summer) I am ready for MY play dates!!! I have missed my friends, chatting in the traffic circle... playing when we can go out of a movie etc!

Do you know that song "Tonight's gonna be a good night?" by Black Eyed Peas? Well I know that this school year's gonna be a good one!

We have really struggled as a school... with adjusting to changes and financial issues... yet I really have seen that when we as a school (and school board) DO THE RIGHT THING... despite all others reasons... God is faithful!

Sometimes you need to see a God Sighting... last night I saw a few ... watching families return that weren't able to until God did His thing!

I am so looking forward to seeing this awesome year unfold!

Prayer... really... you can't underestimate it! Really... why would you want to? What if? What if there really is a Santa Clause? Or the Easter Bunny? Or a God? Oh to just grasp the faith of our children... and just know Santa's going to come through... Just keep the faith and believe that God has it all under control... He does it all for our good in His timing!

I am just preaching to myself. lol Sorry!

It was a good night!

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