Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I am not sure how to scream with letters that would accurately describe my feelings today!
There is so much laundry everywhere... which I keep neglecting so I can go and play with the boys... yet I have set a deadline of Friday for it to be done and put away!

There is the house that needs constant cleaning... where does dust come from??? I think dusting brings more dust!!!

But Zachary is intrigued by the toilet cleaner and brush... so hey, cleaner toilets... check!

There is a bit more shopping to do and then there is still the playing.
Beach tomorrow after noon, Warsaw Caves on thursday and Ontario Place on Friday for our last hurrah!

I feel the need to be organized for Tuesday (our first day of JK, grade 2, grade 4, grade 6, grade 8 and high school!!! Yikes... my heart is racing.

Plus I am almost done the book I am into which I am enjoying and wondering how the story is going to end like I think it should when there isn't that many pages left?

Tomorrow is Open House for Sammy and his fellow grade 9s. Thursday is our Meet the Teacher for the other boys.

I feel like I am on the cusp of something huge. After having a little one to be with for the last 14 years... I am letting the last one go into the big world. Tyler is beginning his last year at Rhema. I can't even image him graduating because I can still see his tears rolling down his cheeks as I hug him goodbye in JK. Soon he is going to be leaving this safe haven...

Then there is Zachary who seems like he should still be in SK... yet he is venturing into Grade 2!!! Then there are my two, Jordan and Max, that are moving along and it seems like everything is going to fast!

Wait! I am not ready for summer to end! Another week would be good... please?!!

And then there is the issue that I keep smelling vomit. I don't know what the heck I am smelling but it is really disturbing me!

So I sit here stalling... I really need to take up Yoga... and learn how to breathe in deep and release the stresses.

Right now we are off to see a cute Audiologist to get some of the boys hearing checked out. They seem to talk TOO LOUD!!!

So I best end this blog ... but I will tell you the funniest thing I saw while driving back from the dump... There was a herd of sheep all running together towards something... and then I see a sheep running with the pack but with a bucket on its head! It was so funny!

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