I don't think I have anything of interest to write about today... except that I need to write.
I wish I wanted to exercise my body as much as I need to exercise my fingers!
It has been a very rainy day! One of the major streets lost power from lunch time on.
Sanj's office was one of those business effected. Bummer for him. This caused him added stress to the pressure that was there already. He has new software that needed loading and has to be learned. Since this program runs pretty much everything... it had him stressed out.
Josh and I were in line at Chapters with new books in arm, ready to pay for, when the power went off. I was so disappointed. I hunted down two of the books I wanted at another book store yet will have to get the third one tomorrow, hopefully. The one I didn't get was the one that I wanted to read first, of course!
I loved The Book Of Negroes. It was a great read, if you haven't read it. My new purchases today were Benny and Shrimp and White Tiger. They come highly recommended so I'll let you know what I think.
There is nothing better to listen to then the pounding of the rain and deep breathing of one of my babes on my shoulder.
Tomorrow Josh goes in very early for the repairing of his ear drum which has a hole in it. We are glad to finally get this fixed, as it has hindered him from water activities, especially swimming lessons.
This past week, 2 babes were buried from a neighbor church. It reminded me of the fragility of life. It made me cling to my children and realize that life with them is never to be taken for granted.
I hate having one of my children go under. Tyler, who was 4 years old, had to have his tonsils out. He was a big boy for his age and I believe the anesthetist gave him a dose according his to weight.
Tyler came out of surgery, ate the suggested popsicles and was doing well. The nurse told me that once he finished another couple of ounces of his juice we could go home. It was busy in there, lots of little ones recovering.
Tyler started to make a funny noise... I called the nurse over to ask her if he was OK? She called out for a passing surgeon and climbed on the bed as the wheeled him away.
Sanj had just left to go back to work. OK... I don't do well under these kinds of circumstances. I am not a calm and cool mom... if I don't have to be.
They had to rush him back to the O.R. and bring him to. With the dose of anesthetic given,
and the added meds after he came out, it was too much for his little system to handle.
Tyler had to stay over night and didn't wake up for 21 hours. It was very scary. The frustrating thing about this experience was the anesthetist didn't just say sorry I may have messed up. He insisted that Tyler had sleep apnea.
Whatever. It was one of those things that everyone knew... in fact years later we learned that he was being sued over this very thing. So after that experience, it is always scary to have one of my kids go under.
I love our ENT and have faith in him. He is very loving, gentle and has great bedside manners.
I know this is a minor thing in comparison to many things other children have to go through.
But he is my baby. He is such a trooper. He is actually excited at this point!
Josh said, " I am going to have surgery. Will they say 'Clear'?" Lord, I hope not!
Sammy is exhausted after school. So often he falls asleep in the van. What is up with that? Is high school that much work or stress? Maybe. He goes to bed quite early... usually before 10 p.m. for sure.
Tyler is dishing out some attitude. I miss my sweet Tyler. But I am ready for him! Tough Love!
Jordan's stitches came out of his leg wound and was doing well. But now it is looking nasty again. Gross. I am going to have to take him in again. Yuck!
Max is Max... nothing up or down... just Max. He is looking forward to playing hockey on a different league this year, with his friends!
Zachary... is asleep beside me. How I love his spirit!
Josh... well I better not start! lol
That is my update or writing exercise for the evening!
All in a day...