Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My brother Kumar has a blog.... wonderingaboutgod.blogspot.com. He was my inspiration to begin blogging. I was on his site reading his profile when I noticed that he had another blog... Dixitisms (our last name... Dixit). You had to be invited to view this blog. My initial response was to be hurt that I was not invited. Then I was annoyed.

Well I have still not been invited as apparently it is his site to blog "cute" stuff his children do or say.

Well my Sukumaranisms are here... for you to read. If figure if you are not interested you'll skip it.

So here is my Sukism for the day... Zachary was a huge cowboy fan. He had the boots and whole bit. Well Josh has followed his fascination and insists on wearing these cowboy boats that are too small. Except he wears them all day... day after day. The other day, I could barely pull them off, as his feet were shoved in there so tight.

Yesterday, I took him to buy a pair of cowboy boots. The boots he had at home were a size 8... he wears a 12!!! OW!

Anyways, he is so cute and proud. He got a hat too and just struts around town with shorts, boots and hat. Hum... if he was my first child, I would have been mortified! Now... whatever!

This morning we went to the grocery store... as he got out of the car, he could barely walk. "My foot is hurting!!! I need to take my socks off!" Annoyed, because obviously he really was hurting and I was begrudging the money spent for a pair of boots worn one day... we stop. He sits right on the floor and takes off his boots.

I am expecting to see the socks bunched up or something. As I pull his boot off, out falls a little wrench that he was carrying around. He must have put it in his boot for safe keeping.

I was relieved that it wasn't the boot and then laughed because Josh is such a character.
That is my Sukism for the day for anyone who cares!

I will post a picture as soon as I charge my battery!

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