Monday, August 18, 2008

A Fine Balance

It has been a good summer overall with the boys. Golfing, swimming, checking out some movies, seeing friends ever once in while... hockey camps... a trip to Maryland... not a whole lot of excitement but just enough.

Packing has kind of put a bit of a cramp in the summer plans. But that is OK. Now with 2 weeks till school, it is time to take on a different frame of mind. Start training the body to wake up earlier, find routine again.

I have really enjoyed the boys this summer. Of course we have had our days where I would have like to hang them on the totem pole... but for the most part it has been good. My relationship with the older two especially is growing into a friendship where by choice they chose to be with me. Very Cool. That may change... but for now I will take it.

I used to think that summer was a time of free time and allowed us to hang out with friends and just be. But I am realizing that summer is busier than the school year. Every one has different things on the go, and to hang out with friends or make that time work for everybody... is hard.

So... the boy have missed their friends, and I have missed mine. Despite the yuckiness of making lunches, homework... there is an appreciation for routine and the rhythm of the school year. I know that I will see most of my friends in the pick up circle... making plans for coffee isn't hard and the weekends are for being together as a family and as friends!

So I will miss summer... especially since I am going to be a morning person come fall...but I will welcome all the positives that comes with back to school.

I am looking forward to hanging out again... my dear friends!

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