Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy First Day of Summer!

I am so looking forward to a week from today!  Next Monday is the first day of no school.  No yelling and nagging to get up, hurry up and all that jazz.  I am fully prepared to have all the bodies in bed with me once Sanj is off to the gym.  I am sure that they will no doubt be up earlier than a school day.  It is all good... as next Monday, there will be nothing planned!  WAHOOO!

There is something so exciting and yet sad about the last day of school.  The school part will not be missed.  Yet then my social life becomes one that has to be planned.  No meeting in the pick up circle for the 15 minutes of adult interaction in my day.  Yet, I love that feeling of excitement that is in the air.

Today is the official first day of summer!  :)  It is so beautiful outside!  It is going to be a hot one.  Our pool... the Canadian TIre special... easy set up pool is going to be put up.  It isn't anywhere near having a real pool but it certainly will be better than nothing.  The boys are so excited.  Anything to cool down and a great way to burn off all that energy I am envious of!

I love spending time with my boys.  I love watching them interact.  I can do without the constant fighting that occurs between any two of them.  Yet I know that it is this time spend together that is facilitating their relationships for the future.  I know that despite the love/hate thing that is happening that as brothers they are learning to stick together.  Water is a great thing that crosses the age barrier.

Sammy will be having a birthday at the end of this week.  He will be turning 15 years old!  Wow.  It seems unbelievable.  By the end of this year, I will have 3 teenagers!  How did that happen?

In between all the fun and play, I have projects that must be accomplished too.  The basement must be de-cluttered and organized.  I promised my dear OCD hubby it will be done!  I have so much stuff to rid ourselves of.  Where does this stuff come from?

Ah... it is Monday... I have a list I need to get through and cross things off:
Exchange the shirt we bought for my father-in-law.
Get some shorts of Zach.
Pay off Tyler's trip.
Finish things from the Golf Tournament.
Charge camera and video.. don't forget the battery!
I have a whack of laundry to put away but that will have to wait.
Haircuts for the boys.
Finish Tyler's packing for his trip tomorrow.
Of course there is the usual tidy up.

So, I best make my exit.  Happy First Day of Summer!

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