Sunday, May 16, 2010

A New Week....

I have ambitious hopes for today.  It is so beautiful outside!  I feel so happy!  All my worries seem to take a back seat, today!   Last night, Sanj was chatting with Jordan in his room and fell asleep.  4 of the younger boys took advantage of this and found spots on my bed.  Looking around, I love that this spot is where they feel the most loved and cherished.  I didn't have the heart to move them all, including my husband, back to their own spots, so I nudged Sanj to move and slept in Jordan's room for the night.

I finished my book I was reading and didn't get to the movie yet.  I went to pick up my nephew to come play as he was home alone with my in-laws.  They are coming over for supper tonight.  What to make?
I was thinking lasagne (tricky word, I never spell it right), with some homemade bread and top it off with some homemade oatmeal cookies.  Sounds yummy!  I better get of the computer and begin, then!

Sanj and the older two boys went off to the golf club.  We met for lunch and Sanj asked me to notice the clothes my older two were wearing.  lol... they were both dressed in their dad's golf attire!  Oh dear!  My husband isn't the best at sharing his things... so we shall see where this lead! lol

I am feeling the pressure of this week to come!
Monday: get caught up with all the laundry, make a meal for someone, try and squeeze haircuts for the boys. I need to take the van in and see what disturbing sound it is making, after the fact the we spent $1500 on it.

Tuesday: should go into the office, try and get the shopping done that is needed for the trip and start to pack that evening. I will have to clean out the van, disinfect it so that Sanj does not catch the Bubonic plague, that he is sure is in the van! lol

Wednesday:  it is the boys dreaded track and field.  To make matters worse, this year it is in Lindsay, which is 45 away.  I usually am there all day to cheer them on and up, dole out monies for snacks and more snacks and hang out with the other moms.  We have company for supper... and then pass on the dogs for the week to this unsuspecting sole!  (God bless him!!!)  Then, it is all the last minute packing.

Thursday:  We leave at noon.  The house sitter comes and so I must make sure it is tidy!  We take off... 12 hours till we reach our destination and counting!

Friday:   we are in Philly somewhere for Sanj's graduation... how exciting and then... off to DC to spend with all the family.  I am looking forward to spending time with my brother and family.  I am looking forward to kissing all the babies that have popped out over the last year that we haven't had the pleasure of snuggling with!  ;)

One day at a time, though!  I am off to bake and make a mess!  :)

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