Sunday, May 2, 2010

How Great Is Our God

Today at church, I was moved by the trails of those that I care about are going through. This song by Chris Tomlin was sung. I was overwhelmed by the deep faith that I saw in those whose trials where so huge in comparison to mine. Behind my sat a lady, fighting breast cancer. Soon she will be going in to start her chemotherpy. Her children sat beside her, singing this song. Then I saw another friend, crying, having lost loved ones this week. As I sat in church, my friends were by the bedside of their mom, waiting for her to take her last breath.

As I sat there, thinking of my burdens, they seems so small in comparison. I so often think of the story of Job. I am not sure I would have had that kind of faith. I get so frustrated and mad. I admired those around me that have that kind of faith. I used to have. I am working at growing my mustard seed of faith. Church today, I heard a sermon, yet it was one that was totally different than the one the preacher was giving.

I am grateful for all the blessing in my life. I am so grateful. Those blessings include my beautiful family, who inspire me everyday to be the best that I can be. Those blessings included a cup that overflows with friends near and far, who I love so much. Those blessings include my community, church and school. I could keep going but I know you understand that God is so good.

When the valleys come my way... again... I really hope and I can sing this song, hands held high and KNOW that God is so GREAT and Worthy of Praise.... even when I am in the valley!

Dear Jesus,
Today, I pray for my friends, You know, those that are in those dark valleys... please Lord, give them courage, strength and hope. May they feel Your love surrounding them. How I love you. Thank you for being the God that is SO GREAT!

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