Friday, November 20, 2009

All In A Day... and then some!

I haven't written in a few days. OK that isn't accurate. I have written and then end up deleting because I think... hum... that was dumb.

I miss writing without thinking. I miss writing just for me. So... I am going back to the basics.

It has been a busy week. I feel as if I am juggling to many balls. The weekend is just as busy.
Tonight- Tyler in Bowmanville @ volleyball tournament.
8:30 p.m. Hockey for Jordan
8:30- Hockey for Max ... plus his two friends who are here for a sleep over for his birthday.

Early morning- still looking for ride for Tyler to volleyball.
9 am - Hockey -Zach
9 am- Hockey- Max
9 am - Hockey- Sammy and Tyler
Yes, three games same time, three different arenas.
11-1 p.m. Zach @ birthday party.
12:30 pm- Jordan- hockey
At some point drop in at Rhema Craft Sale
At some point drive to see Tyler's volleyball game.
More hockey Saturday afternoon for Sanj and boys.
Saturday night- Sanj's hockey game.

And that is all she wrote for Saturday.
I am looking forward to Sunday evening already!

I went and saw MJ ... This Is It last night. Loved it. Left the movie feeling many emotions.
Glad I saw it.

A busy week ahead too. My brother and family are coming for American Thanksgiving this week. The forecast is calling for snow... Wednesday just for my sister-in-law (who thinks we have snow all the time).

The boys had the day off today. Lots of activity too early in the morning. How come?
We were late to many times this week. Why this morning could they wake up?

I love my boys. They drive me crazy. But when I think of them, each of them, as individuals rather than "the Boys" I realize that they are so good. They are well adjusted, thoughtful and sweet. It is just when they are in a room with their siblings that causes them to become some other creatures.

Sammy got his report card. He did great. He really struggled his last years in school. Not sure what happened but he did great. I was so proud of him. I love seeing his confidence emerging.
He is such a social child. I love seeing his personality coming out.

Josh had a good week at school. I should say he had a better week. He was having trouble not being the last child ready. So frustrating. He did better this week. Wahoo! I love that kid!

I was sitting here blogging and Sammy shouts, "Mommy, there's a fire."
I reluctantly get off my chair, wondering what embellishment he is talking about.

I walk out of the office and see the kitchen stove ablaze. Flames are almost touching the microwave above it. Yikes!

Isn't this just on commercials? Josh is screaming and out of the room, crying, "I hate this house!"

OK... I am the one in charge. Upon closer examination, there is a blue mess of melted plastic feeding the flames. A road hockey stick.

"SAMMY!!!" Obviously he was going to curve it and forgot. Sponge Bob was on.

I wish I could have taken a picture of the flames, the blue melted plastic on my glass top stove and the smoke. I wish I could have taken a picture of the blue plastic splattered everywhere!!!

Did I forget to mention my house was cleaned today?
Did I mention I was just getting ready to enjoy some me time?
Did I mention that glass top stoves are a mess to scrape anything off... much less melted BLUE plastic?

Love is patient. All in a day.

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