Hum. Fine, no more PEACE BE STILL! Can you see what I live with? Maybe I am just a constant seeker of peace!
OK, I just wanted to use the words PEACE BE STILL a few more times! lol
We were talking about my blog this weekend. Whether or not it is book material or not?
Feel free to weigh in. My blog has been an evolution of myself. I am not sure aside from my brother how many have been following me and my blog from the beginning.
But as I read the beginning of the blog is see someone that was living in discombobulation. There was so much I was trying to work out. I was a prisoner to my past in many ways. I wanted to be free of the pains I felt yet didn't know how to do this.
So much of my early blog is about learning about love. True love. And I don't mean that heart pounding love for your sweetheart. I mean all the components of loving and being loved.
I learned that everyone doesn't love the same. It sounds silly but this was a huge one for me. I always knew that my dad "loves" me. But his love was not the level of love that I needed to be loved or feel loved. Does that make sense?
My dad's highest level of love is his 10. His 10 is equivalent to my 5. So it leaves me feeling unfulfilled. It has always left me wanting more. It left me feeling that he didn't love me.
It took my the last years to realize that each of us love differently. Of course there is the love language. But we all have different love meters. I am not sure if this is something I made up, but it just makes so much sense to me.
Over the last 650 blogs, I have found that motherhood is my true life love. As I sort through and look for what I want to be when I grow up... I couldn't find that answer because it is right in my face. I am doing it. Mom. I want to be mom 100% to my boys.
I have found that I have a unique way to worship God. It may be different then what society thinks is the right way but my way is what works for me. I love Him so much. I have found God so many times through my blog. Funny, how that works? Thanks God.
My blog has become a memory maker. I love journaling. Since becoming a blogger, I have quit that but find that I can add my stories of my munchkins into my blog which makes it a memory keeper of sorts for us.
My blog keeps me accountable to my kids. Funny, they will read it occasionally and then make mention that I haven't written about them. They hold me accountable. Have I said how much I love them?
Over the last 650 blogs, I have learned about boundaries. I have learned how to set healthy boundaries for myself. Just because I love someone doesn't mean I have to live with hurt and abuse.
My blog has been a great source of venting. I have learned through my venting that I am not alone. My struggles are not exclusive to me. What a relief.
Sanj often says my blog is the one thing that I have kept at. Usually I get bored and stop something within a given period. It is my personality. He tells me how surprised he is that I am still with him! lol
So today I am celebrating my blog! Thank you to my readers (whomever you are). Thank you to my Facebook club for all the words of encouragement and love. I love you.
Here's to another chapter in my life as a blogger.
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