Friday, August 14, 2009

Inquiry Minds Want to Know!

It is 3:22 p.m. on Friday afternoon. I am hot and tired. Very tired. I want and need a nap so badly. But then the toilets are calling, as is the laundry. We have a party tonight too.

I love summer. I am enjoying it more this summer. I have found it relaxing and enjoyable. Yet there really isn't too much of a break.

That is what is missing... recess! :)

I had to take Zach to the doctor to make sure that this rash on his face was not something terrible that I was overlooking.

As we sat in the waiting room, Josh sits on my lap.

"Mommy, you don't have a penis... right?" asks Josh...

The other boys are appalled by his loudness.

I couldn't help but laugh at their discomfort as well as just the whole thing.

"Shhhh Josh, we have already talked about this... NO mommy doesn't," was my reply... and then reminded him to talk quietly.

"What do mom's have?" Josh just continues...

Oh dear!

I am laughing. I can't help it. Boys and their toys!

What funny creatures!

1 comment:

  1. Corey just says, "Mommy has a hole". One time I told them babies come out between Mommy's legs..and since then.."Mommy has a hole".
