Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I was watching Sammy's hockey game this week with pride.

He is a wonderful sportsman. He is skilled, talented and unselfish in the game. He is confident yet not cocky.

Sammy is so matter of fact when he is on the ice.

Here is a boy that struggles in the academic world because he does not fit into the box.

I love what my friend Cindy said, "why do we keep trying to fit triangles, rectangles, circles, and ovals into a sqaure box?

Yet despite that fact, we still are in boxes when at school.

He knows he is a differnt shape. We can say all the right things to him, yet ultimately, he is still not a box.
If you are not a box, you are different. Most of us at this age do not want to be different.

I really hope that Sammy sees his athletic ability as the gift that it is. I know he doesn't because it is so natural to him.

He sees the game. He is great at passing the puck. He can set the puck up. He can score.

He is great at golf, basketball, volleyball, soccer... he is a natural athletic.

He is a beautiful child with energy flowing, well actually overflowing.
He is full of potential to do great things.

I wonder what he sees when he looks in the mirror? Does he see that wonderful gift that I see?

I hope so.

I hope he understands that it is OK not to be a box. That this world is run by greatness that are triangles, circles and hexagons.

How great it is that God made us so unique. We weren't meant to be the same. We weren't meant to learn the same.
We were suppose to be different. We are to embrace with beauty of being unique.

I didn't.

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