Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have been writing for me. Lately I have been writing yet wondering what others would think if I wrote xyz.

Today Max was home (still not sure if it is really pink eye,,,) and we were chilling on the bed while Josh napped.

We were making silly videos. This is one that just had me laughing. I hope it makes you laugh too.

Yes, I know I am weird.

I just don't want to lose me in this blog... it is meant to be real. I am a "what you see is what you get" kinda person.

You gotta comment on this! LOL!


  1. Wow!! That was hilarious!! You and Max must have had a fun day!

  2. All that work at the gym and a nose job would have solved everything. Love ya lots!!!!!!

  3. Unfortunately, I could not get the audio! However, I still laughed hysterically...too funny!

    I love your Quiz you took on FB by the way....EGW would roll in her grave over my comments too..there is no hope for me!

    My baby is turning 5...Cannot believe your's is turning 4!

  4. Some days I wonder about you...
    Other days I KNOW...
    THIS is one of those days...
    :) :)
