Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Heroes

My kids love super heros... you name it Superman, Batman, Spiderman... they love them.

Do you have heros in life? People that you really look up to? I had to stop and think about it.

There are not very many people I would put on a pedestal simply because I know that at some point, we all come crashing down.

Yet there are people in my life that I admire...
My girlfriend, diagnoised with MS... here I am complaining about pricking my finger to check my sugar... yet she is being stuck with a needle once a week... then braves the side effects on the weekend and is back at work Monday morning. Yet the whole time never stopping from the role of mom to 2 boys.

My friend who has a daughter that has Down's Syndrome... she is in her 20s now. She is suffering from a bunch of various issues... that can be life threatening. She is in constant pain and her liver is failing. Her mother is there 24/7... helping her cope with the pain, fighting for the best health care she needs, looking for answer... She is never really thinking of herself.
She can only live on moment at a time with her daughter.

There is a friend who has a child dealing with autism. She loves her son so much... testing, reading and researching... trying to understand and find ways to give him the best life he deserves. She deals with people looking at them in public, when he is melting down... the judgement. She has put her whole life into her son.

I can go on, of course... any one of us can continue this list. These people are my heroes. I appreciate their attitude in which they choice to face their giants head on. I pray for strength for each of them, peace and hope.

We don't need super heros when all around us there are real life heroes that we can learn so much from.

Thank you, my friends, for giving me inspiration! You are my hero!

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