Thursday, November 20, 2008


It is 6:59a.m. Our house is so still! Our house is so COLD! Last night something was up with the heating... and of course the temperature dropped and it snowed a bunch. SO the thought of getting up from my warm bed is highly unappealing.

There is no hot water, since our heating system is connected to the heating of the water... so I guess I can let the boys sleep for a bit more. Then there is the thought of going to the gym... do I really want to go?

Yesterday... I had an amazing workout. I really pushed myself to work out at levels I haven't before. Guess what, no cardiac arrest!!! I struggled with the last few minutes... but really over all I was so surprised that I could do it!

I felt good... really good that maybe I am not a wimp after all. Maybe it is all so IN MY HEAD!!! Maybe I am just lazy! Maybe obtaining a body I am satisfied with is doable!!!

When I began the attempting to work out about a 2 years ago, my rest heart rate was over 100! I was so unaware of how BAD that was. Now... it is at 68!

My blood sugar levels are normal again. I hesitate to use the word again, because I am not sure how many years they were out of whack! I still have to take the med... but I really believe that once I beat my addiction towards comfort food... and continue to exercise... I will reverse the diabetes.

I am so glad that God made my body so forgiving.

I realize that as a foodaholic this will be a life time battle. But at this moment in time... I am feeling optimistic for the first time in a very long time.

So... I better get over the fact that I am freezing, it is so cold and snowy outside and I am going to have to be a serious nag to get the boys up and out!

A healthy body is calling!

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