Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day...

First day of school... comes with many a traditions... one being the back to school picture with the usual "Aw Mom, do we have to?" picture.  They look so big.  Sanj looked at the picture and said, "There doesn't seem to be so many of them now that they are bigger!"  Funny, eh?

It was a good day for all.  Josh wasn't to thrilled about going back, complaining that "school's too long."  He was very happy to be in his suit finally, though.  As usual, the other boys were appauled that his choice of clothing was something they would never wear! lol

Zachary, Max and Jordan all went off to their various rooms like the pros that they are.  It was a little upsetting to walk up the stairs to Max's class... where the older kids are.  When did he get that big?  Or really, is he that big?  How weird to see Jordan with the oldest kids.  I was not liking this to much.

Then there was Tyler, my second son to head off to high school.  He did great, was excited and survived.  Sammy was a true big brother and was full of helpful hints on the various teachers and classes.

So, it was a day back at school.  I found myself feeling very emotional.  Tears were a blink away and the knot in my throat was huge!  I went to breakfast with moms from the school... each year this group grows.  I think there was 17 moms there today!  Then I headed over to to the office... checking out what there was awaiting me...  surprise... there actually was a lot.  So stuck around there and did some work.  I will likely go back tomorrow and try to catch up so that I can really put in my couple of hours after this week! :)

Everyone came home in one piece and tired but with "good" as the reply when asked how their day was.

So here we go... 270 days give or take a few till summer vacation!  :)

All in a day!  It is 8:30 pm and all my babes are asleep... (except Sammy who is off at tryouts).  The house is quiet except for the sweet sounds of snores.  Tomorrow is another day!

I look at the picture of them... all 6 of them... and feel at a loss of how is it possible that I am mother to all these lovlies?  Do you ever have that moment?  Sometimes I don't feel old enough!  Sometimes I feel too old.  I love them so much.  It was so good to just have them home again.

1 comment:

  1. Reema,
    I love reading your blog. I'm in my last year in University, and it's lovely to be able to sit down and read through some of your posts and reconnect with family life. Thanks for your honesty and how you genuinely share your perspective, as your perspective. This is what it means to be a follower of Christ.
