(Notice Sanj's eyes... they are a little possessed!)
Here it is, Ladies...
IMS... Is your man angry, anxious, hypersensitive and irritable?
Irritable male syndrome (IMS) is a term for a set of symptoms thought to be caused by a drop in testosterone levels in male mammals. One of the most consistent symptoms is anger and sullen withdrawal present in men between the ages of 40 and 60. Men with IMS often experience mood swings, stomach cramps and even hot flashes. These symptoms and others are caused by a drop in the male hormone testosterone. IMS can manifest at any time because, unlike women who experience monthly hormone cycles, men experience a daily hormone cycle. Males' levels of testosterone are highest after waking and fall throughout the day. (Plagiarized, with thanks, from Wikipedia)
It is that time of month again for me. Yet again, my hubby asked that infamous question of "What's wrong?"
Yet what do you ever wonder what is up with the opposite sex? They can get moody, sullen, annoyed, irritable and unreasonable. I did a little research on the male anatomy and discovered quite interesting stuff. They have their issues too!
As I read up on this subject, I realized that we are given a bad rap as women. PMS is ugly. Yet, IMS goes unknown because most women have learned coping skills to deal with the raging hormonal changes that occur in men... yes as teenagers yet again as mid-life comes along. Yet this attacks men between the ages of 40-60 years old.
I am pretty sure that my husband is IMSing. He is irritated at the most unreasonable thing. He is annoyed that the lights are never turned off, that the basement is messy again, that the boys do not do enough around the house. He is hypersensitive to the noise of 6 boys. He expects that noise level to keep at a two kid noise level. Every thing annoys him. I think I am the biggest annoyance.
My flaws to date... buying things that I don't need; being an overall mess; never getting things done my TO DO list; sleeping in; not being a morning person; it continues I am sure but I tuned him so I did not hear the other things I need to work on. :)
I understand I am difficult to live with. I commend him for surviving 15 years with me. I am wiling to release him of his obligation to me. Yet he is a glutton for punishment.
It has been quite a weekend with him. Joy. Well, not really. It has been a bit stressful to say the least. I have been trying to stay out of the way. This afternoon, I was up helping Sammy with his Algebra (yup, me!!!). Sanj was in the house and it was a little too quiet. I realized that he was nesting.
You know, sometimes when pregnant, you get the urge to organize and get things ready. Well my hubby attacked the mud room closet. It was hideous. It took him a few hours. He seemed a little calmer.
I asked him if he felt better. His response was that there was a lot more house to get to. Hum...
I probably won't show him this post till tomorrow or whenever his IMS is done for the month.
Or maybe it isn't a monthly thing. If you read about it, it seems to happen more often for men. Hum... that explains a lot.
Midol... is there something out there that I can slip into his drink or food?
Dedicated to all my lady friends with IMSing husbands.
My IMSing husband has apologized for his swing moods.
So... here is to the calm before the next storm.
I do love him for always being able to be sorry.
Dedicated to all my lady friends with IMSing husbands.
My IMSing husband has apologized for his swing moods.
So... here is to the calm before the next storm.
I do love him for always being able to be sorry.
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