Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All in a Day!

What a busy day. Laundry and tidying in the morning. Lunch with my hubby, dogs to get cleaned up and nails clipped, then it was off to PET DAY in grade 1.

The dogs are great. Yes they are work... an require work, love and attention. But they are good dogs. They are very loving. If given free rain of our backyard... instead of running away... they would rather be near and around us. They have been a positive addition to our family.

Ok back to the list... from there it was pick up the boys, grab snacks, take Sammy to get his jacket tailored, then cheer the Rhema team as they practiced for the Dragon Boat Festival. I look forward to the Festival every year.

From there we had eye doctor appointments for three out of six boys. Then it was home. Phew! Then somewhere in there is supper, homework, teeth brushing and then bed... for the younger ones. The older ones are up to watch the hockey game... hoping Pittsburgh is able to survive and take Lord Stanley's Cup.

We have a king size bed. Right now I am surround by six bodies squishing to find a piece of bed to watch the game. I love my boys.

i am still continuing the battle of losing weight... my constant co-dependent relationship with carbs. Usually it starts on a Monday... Yesterday as I was in the school circle for pick up, I gave Josh a cookie with a layer of chocolate. Yum. He looks at me and says, "Do you want a bite?"

I reply, "No thanks."
Josh says... "You're not eating carbs?"
Embrassed and sheepishly I reply "Yup."
Josh... "Is this a carb?"

Sheesh. Even my 4 year old is on to my yo yo issues.

All in a day. A full day. A blessed day.
Night Night!

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