Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cousin Fun!

This weekend was full of family fun.
One of Sanj's cousins came with his family for the weekend.
Our extended family was a big part of my memories growing up. We did alot with our cousins ... played, fought, loved and lived.
To this day, they are a part of me.

When my dad was sick a few summers ago, while we were living through a nightmare, waiting for doctors in the family waiting room, in walked my cousin. I had not seen him in years. Yet there he was, flew in from Texas, saying he knew that it was not going to be easy, so there he was. How much that has meant to me. I love him so much for being family... in all that word means.

I have a lot of cousins in Maryland, and we would visit. I was always jealous of the fact that I did not have all those ties that they had with each other... Yet family is family. In the last years, there have been many trips there to say goodbye to aunts and uncles.
Despite the fact that we did not grow up there... we still have that connection. It is something that is evident as the years go bye.

So... as my boys grow, I wish them that definition of family as I have learned to appreciate. Uncles, aunts, cousins... it is such a wonderful time for the boys when they are surrounded by that special bond that comes with heritage... a shared history... a past and present.

This is how we spent the weekend. The boys enjoyed getting to know their cousins who are quite a bit younger than them. They loved playing with their uncles and aunts. It is one of those days that despite age differences there was bonding and building of relationships. I loved watching the connections made and develop.

This is a picture of the Indian Road Rally (so it looked like) that was happening!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Thou Shalt NOT...

Today I find myself in a snit. As I am cleaning (no doubt a huge part of being in a snit), I realize that I am coveting. Does the 10th Commandment not say, "Thy shalt not covet thy neighbor's...." Yet I find myself coveting.

What am I coveting? Lots of things... buy mainly a simple life or rather a cleaner life. I also think that money would solve all my woes. Yet I know that not to be true. Yet I can't help but want to find out.

I would buy housekeeping serves... full-time.... this would include cooking, cleaning, laundry and groceries.
So what WOULD I do? Play. I would love to play with my kids... rather than nag them to clean... pick up and just be helpful.

I would love to write all the time... I would take some classes.... I would travel... I would just be.... without worries.

OK... I realize that money comes with a whole new set of problems... but I would like to find them out myself. lol

I am whining. I let go of my cleaning lady... in efforts to save those pennies or spend them elsewhere. But even though it hasn't been a full day... I am cranky. I guess I have this picture in my head of a house that runs efficiently after I say things once. I guess I have this image of the boys making their beds, picking up towels, tidying up the bathroom, doing their laundry all without being told.

Yet here it is only a few hours after my little "loud talk" of being more helpful and thoughtful.... and I am not sure I have been heard.

Yet, I want my sons to be men that take care of themselves and their things well. I want to raise men that do without out needing to be told or nagged. But I know that part of my job as their mom is to nag now so that someone else will reap the rewards of my efforts. lol

So as I covet my neighbour somewhere that seems to have it all... I will continue to be in a snit for a bit longer and then we will go play... till there is reason to be in a snit again.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Sammy!

My baby is 14 years old. Wow. I can remember drinking castor oil with hopes that this being inside of me would begin the process of wanting to come out. I was 4 days over due. There was so much anticipation of this babe. He was the first grandchild on both sides as well as first for the uncles. Excitement! Fear! Joy! Love!

Sammy was my world. How I loved enjoying the FIRST of everything. How I loved being mom to him. I was so in love with him. I hated handing him over to allow others (and there were plenty of others) to hold. I could have held him forever.

Lots of years later... I feel that same way. I love this boy of mine. He can make my day with a "I love you, Mom." He can rattle my world as I know the time is coming to let him grow into who he is meant to be. I can only imagine the man he is sure to grow into... the lives of many he will continue to touch.

So... as I remember those days so long ago... I can see the growth in both of us. I thank God for this wonderful boy and the joy and love he has added to my life.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy. How I love you and wish you so much love and happiness for so many years to come.
You are my special treat from God.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Putting It Out There...

Honesty... that is what I hear over and over... when I get a comment about a blog I have written.

The one I wrote not to long ago called.... Crazy . Sanj's comment was "honest, very honest."

OK... here is the thing. I am writing with the assumption that there is not a perfect family out there. I am writing with the assumption that most parents mess up. Now I realize this may not be the truth for some... but I am pretending that perfection is not a reality.

Maybe I am in denial... but if so... those of you with perfect families and perfect parenting skills... please just be quiet and let me live in my world.

I assume that most people love their children to death and would do anything for them... yet can't help but be driven crazy by them once in a while. Or maybe this is just me... with kids that outnumber me!

I assume most people have families full of issues. But maybe I just make myself feel better thinking this.

Regardless... I write for the number one reason to express and release emotions. I love how writing leaves me feeling like I just had a good yawn... a great exhale of breathe. I love how I understand myself better as I read what I wrote. Silly, but I may not always know the thoughts that will come out ... yet then realize that is just what I needed to vent.

I write for me. Sometimes I write for my kids. Sometimes I write knowing that someone I love needs to hear my thoughts.
Regardless... I am a "what you see is what there is" kinda person. If you want to know... just ask. Because chances are, if I want to know, I will ask you.

So I am not scared of saying the things on my mind most of the time... because it makes me feel better. It has a similar effect of diving into a bucket of mint chocolate chip ice cream!

Honesty ... sometimes it is all there is.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy...

Today is my dad's 75th birthday.

It is quite a miracle that he has made it to this date. He literally was on death's door, the doctors had all but written his time of death... and then there he was... back.

If you have been following my blog, you know that my relationship with my dad has been one of many mixed emotions.

I thought of him today ...wishing him a happy day... and felt good about the place where my emotions lie.

It is still a mixture of many feelings that day to day... week to week... month to month.

I am glad that God gave him these extra years, if for no other reason than for me to work it out in my head and heart.

My dad is so complicated. I am sure even he does not figure himself out. But as I reflect on this man that is a part of my being
I can celebrate survival... I can appreciate the me that is from him... I can even understand more of those pieces of the puzzle that make him.

I am glad that God sees in him all things that are bright and beautiful.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Was Thinking...

Life is full of stuff. Good stuff, like this weekend... celebrating fathers. Not everyone gets to celebrate that ... it especially sucks when it is a child. I saw this posting on Facebook of one of the children from a family we hung with. Mom and Dad are divorced. Dad has chosen not to be around. It hurt me to read this. Nothing and nobody can make that moment better.

So we need to teach our children to love their dads that are loving them actively each day. It is a gift.

One of my favorites spots at home is around the fire pit. I love it. I love fire. I love poking at it and throwing things in it. I am a bad example for my kids... but yet again, I do understand their fascination with the fire. I love the relaxation that the fire pulls out of me. I love watching the sunset, the clouds go by and the smell of smoke that is seeping into your being.

Then there is the stuff in that is just a bummer to deal with. I was thinking of some of the battles some child have to fight. Some kids just have the whole package... maybe. Others have to fight with various issues. As I watch some of my children deal with issues unique only to them, I feel so helpless.

I wish my genes were perfect. I wish that life was just easy. I wish that as a parent, I had stronger will power or that "stick-to-it" ability. I wish I did all the those I knew/know to do. I wish...

Yet all I can do is continue to give my children the tools to empower them, tools that will teach them how to be the best they an be... or almost the best they can be.

I was thinking of love... what a gift that is. Love for a child is a gift to a child. Not everyone gets that loving parent. Not everyone gets a lesson in how to... sometimes it's just a guessing game. Sometimes you get to see why God made children so forgiving and resilient.

I was thinking of goodbyes today ... there are so many changes in our lives right now. Lots of changes at school and then this weekend we said good bye to our pastor at our church. I wasn't really ready for the assault of emotions that flooded me. Yet, this church... and more specifically our pastor... helped me find my faith. What I mean by that is to see Christ, church, religion all for me... a grown up and what worked for me... not because my mom/dad told me so.

Finding my adult relationship with Christ was first about finding the true meaning of Christians. It was understanding that they didn't belong to a particular faith... but rather it was all about relationships. It was such a scary step... to walk out from all that was "safe" and seek what I really believed and needed.

When we started to go to this church, what I so appreciated about our pastor was he did not try to convert us. He listened and understood us and the journey we were on... Looking for a place to Belong, Believe and Become Like Jesus. I loved that.
I love that we didn't have to fit to belong. Does that make sense?

So as I sat in church... I was surprised at the flurry of emotions that came forth. I am so grateful to this man for the acceptance we received. It was that lack of acceptance that caused us to walk away from church as we knew it, in the first place.

So... as I continue my own personal battle with church... and me... I appreciate the people that God put in my path to help me grow. So... I was sad to say bye. Yet excited as I know God will use this family.

So I had a lot of thoughts today! :) Not to mention it was the beginning of the first week of summer. It was a full day. Yet it was a good day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

Dads make the world go around! Dads build, fix, wrestle, teach, hug, play, race, demolish and love. There are so many verbs that can be listed. If you are lucky enough to have a dad that is a Verb... this day is for them!

My boys have an amazing father. He loves them with all he is. He works like a dog to give them a good life. He plays just as hard... golf, hockey, paintball... I am not sure who is the better kid when they play.

There are so many things that I hope that my boys inherit from their father...
His ability to love... and his loyalty. Don't mess with his people!
His work ethic...
His stick-to-it ability.
His love for fitness.
His love and talent for music.
His love for school.
His love for all things neat. (OCD... lol)
His selflessness.
His good genes.
His love to play.
His love.

If my boys are half the man their father is ... this world will be in good shape.
Happy Fathers Day to my wonderful hubby.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


I remember losing it ... really losing it... when I had babes. I always called it postpartum. It seemed to get worse with each baby. After Josh I sought help because the rage I felt scared me. I have talked about this before. I thought I was over the worst of it.

Tonight... I felt that rage. I felt crazy and scared. My mom has been visiting and catching up on my laundry. I so appreciate it.
Yet I still need to sort and makes piles and then the boys help me put away. The huge mass of laundry over took me tonight.
I have been feeling anxious over it. Tomorrow my in-laws are coming. It is a huge pile on the dining room table. HUGE.

I have been feeling it overtake me. I told the boys that we can have fun but when we get home we all have to put it away.
(We went to see Night at the Museum and dinner) to celebrate Father's Day before we do the family thing.

I am not sure what my son does not get about respect. I am not sure what I have done wrong. He is SO disrespectful. He has no qualms about consequences. I am still shaking from feeling crazy.

I remember we always KNEW when my dad was going to lose it. It was a no brainer. There were always signs. Me becoming crazy... there are signs. I even voice my impending craziness.

It scared everyone. They all seem to know it behave... or at least be a little afraid of me. Everyone works quietly and quickly. No complaining.

We always are warned of the raging hormones of teens. My kids know ... mommy has raging hormones too. There are signs when it is that time.

I feel like crap. I feel anger that my child seems to have no sense to talk foolishness.

I would have been _____less! My child does not care. Where have I gone wrong? Please tell me!

Crazy. I am feeling like the craziness in my family didn't go to far.

I am so appreciative that I have thoughtful sons too. I appreciate the unconditional love that is showered despite my looney tune ways.

I am not sure what next. But I do know that I have laid it down in no uncertain terms. DISRESPECT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED TOWARDS ME OR ANYONE. If you do not have something nice then zip it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Snail Mail

Do you ever open the mailbox to a hand written note? I have friends that are very good at doing that.

I feel so special, cherished and loved.

I have a serious disorder. I didn't know how bad it was until a few years ago. I used to LOVE writing people letters and notes. I love paper. I love buying paper. I have a full box of various stationary that I packed when we moved marked "Reema's paper."
Yet over the years I find sealed envelopes that are addressed stashed in various places.

I can't seem to MAIL things! The act of physically putting something in the mailbox is where I suffer tremendously.

I finally have accepted the fact that I do not mail things.

I opened my mailbox and there was a lovely note from one of my cousins. He does not have a computer. No email... the occasional phone call... back to the middle ages.

So I read a lovely letter from him, catching up on his life.

Then I realized that it is only fair that I reply him. I doubt typing it would be polite.
And then I have to MAIL it!

I have not done this in so long. I am over due.

Have we lost the art of writing to each other? I have to admit part of the annoyance is that I have to WAIT for a while for a reply. No instant gratification.

Snail mail has a whole new meaning.


I have a love of photography. Someday I hope to pursue it ... learn all the stuff I only guess at.

I am not artsy... wish I was but that isn't one of my gifts. What I love to capture is the person true self. I love to get that perfect shot that show that person what we see. I love trying to capture what is so special about them.

I hate getting my picture taken. All I see is the flaws... but every once in a while there is a shot that I love because I see past everything... and really see me.

These are a few of my favorites...


This Monday Sammy graduated from grade 8.

It was wonderful to see him in his element... with his friends. He loves his friends.

It was just amazing to see these young people that still come to my mind as JKs at his birthday.
It is so amazing to see life through his eyes and go back in time.

Sammy is off to Ottawa for three days. I know he is having a wonderful time.

Now I officially have a high school student! Wow!
This is my favorite picture of the night:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Size Does Matter!

I had camera envy as I was snapping pictures... this guy and his machine were beside me.

Wow! I would like to know what that camera really does!

Paddles Up!

Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival. It is such a emotionally charged day... it is all about BREASTS... men and women. It is about cancer and the fight against breast cancer and awareness.

I love it. I love the feeling that is there... so many people ... all for one cause.

Rhema Reflections is the team we have from the school. What a great group of people. Committed. Great sports.
Winners. We raised over $2000 towards the fight against breast cancer. All that money that is raised stay in Peterborough to buy equipment to fighting the fight. Last year was the Million Dollar mark. Let see how soon we can get to $2 million.

At midday there is a change in spirit... as the Survivors Abreast team competes with the other surviver teams. They are amazing. They are women of all ages that have decided that cancer is not going to win.

There is the song "I will remember you..." dedicated to all those that lost their battle this year. Names are read, and pink carnations are then toss in the lake as they pay tribute to those women.

Those flowers represent mothers, sisters, friends all who fought hard. It is such a incredible day.

Paddles Up! Thanks for all that were part of this day. Thank you to all those that fight the battle every day. You inspire! Thanks for all those volunteer to make this a day that is unforgettable.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Night with Bond, James Bond!

Thursday night was a wonderful night. Sammy looked dashing in his tux and added his own flair with his Pumas. He told us he wished we had an Aston Martin so he could be Bond... James Bond!

That is what stuck out to me the whole night. This group of kids/becoming young people. They looked so grown and yet there was the childish playfulness what belied the fact that they were still kids.

It was an evening of picture taking, eating, fellowship. It was amazing to see these once JKs in heels and ties.

The staff each picked a child or two and wrote a tribute about each of them. What strike me was the effort that was obviously put in and just how amazing they nailed each child.

Listening to two minutes about oneself ... about what makes them special... what gifts they have and what will be missed about them is quite a gift to leave with.

As I watched Sammy ... I realized that he is ready to make that next step. He has been well prepared with by the wonderful people he has spent so many hours for so many years.

I had many emotions running through me. Pride and love was the greatest... I think. As he slept with us that, his body almost as long as mine, taking up 1/3 of the bed, I was so grateful to God for the last 8 years... For the gift of Rhema, the gift of dedicated teachers and parents, the gift of home away from home.

Monday he will stand with his class, shake hands with his teachers, and receive that paper that says, "Well done, good job, time to move on." He is ready. He will be awesome. His is awesome.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Grad dinner tonight. I am feeling excited, anxious, overwhelmed with a 101 different emotions.

I can't wait. But then I want to stop time in that moment so I can really enjoy it and hang on to it.

Sammy is displaying all sorts of emotions too. He is really excited about his tux... that he will wear his Puma shoes with!

How is it that this babe of mine is going to high school? I remember high school like it was yesterday (well kinda).

Soon he will be taller than me. (He keeps checking). He already has bigger feet.

Tonight. I can't wait.

(Grad dinner... what is it? It is a night all about the grads. Just their parents and the staff. I think it is very intimate for the class. The decor and food is taken care of by the grade 7 parents. I am not sure by I think this night is even more special then the actual grad... not sure. Will let you know)!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Just One?

Sammy wrote on his Facebook status "Thurday is grad dinner. This year has gone by fast."

Grad dinner is Thursday. I think it is starting to sink in that this is it. He is really done at Rhema.

I feel so emotional when I write that. It has been such a place of love. I feel so blessed that my boys have had such a great start to life... school life.

Sure there have been moments. But thankfully that is all they were moments. They passed.

I asked Sammy who his favorite teacher has been? His reply was "Just ONE?" What a great answer. I know he loves so many and they have touched his life.

Thank you God for Rhema. Thank you for this wonderful place that we have had to see Your love. Thank you for those committed staff that make this place so special.

I know that a part of who Sammy is will always to attributed to these special people and special place.

All in a Day!

What a busy day. Laundry and tidying in the morning. Lunch with my hubby, dogs to get cleaned up and nails clipped, then it was off to PET DAY in grade 1.

The dogs are great. Yes they are work... an require work, love and attention. But they are good dogs. They are very loving. If given free rain of our backyard... instead of running away... they would rather be near and around us. They have been a positive addition to our family.

Ok back to the list... from there it was pick up the boys, grab snacks, take Sammy to get his jacket tailored, then cheer the Rhema team as they practiced for the Dragon Boat Festival. I look forward to the Festival every year.

From there we had eye doctor appointments for three out of six boys. Then it was home. Phew! Then somewhere in there is supper, homework, teeth brushing and then bed... for the younger ones. The older ones are up to watch the hockey game... hoping Pittsburgh is able to survive and take Lord Stanley's Cup.

We have a king size bed. Right now I am surround by six bodies squishing to find a piece of bed to watch the game. I love my boys.

i am still continuing the battle of losing weight... my constant co-dependent relationship with carbs. Usually it starts on a Monday... Yesterday as I was in the school circle for pick up, I gave Josh a cookie with a layer of chocolate. Yum. He looks at me and says, "Do you want a bite?"

I reply, "No thanks."
Josh says... "You're not eating carbs?"
Embrassed and sheepishly I reply "Yup."
Josh... "Is this a carb?"

Sheesh. Even my 4 year old is on to my yo yo issues.

All in a day. A full day. A blessed day.
Night Night!

Desperately Seeking Summer

I have so much to say... but time runs away and then the day is over. I am looking forward to summer. I am looking forward to Sleeping IN!!! There is nothing better than just waking up on your own. I hate sitting up, squinting at the alarm and realizing that I better get up at that exact moment! I hate bugging my kids to wake up when I understand how much they just need to sleep.

I am looking forward to being with the boys. I love just hanging out. I am looking forward to days at the beach, little mini trips and just being home.

Summer! I love it. I love the pace it allows us to keep. We are almost there!

Of course I know that there will be bugs, days that are too hot and the usual fighting.

We have 2 summer birthdays... Sammy's is June 27th, Tyler's is July 10th and swished in there is our 15th anniversary!

15 years... it doesn't really sound like a big number and yet it is a life time. Life before Sanj seems like such a distant memory.
I have had him in my life more than I haven't... since we were friends forever before that.

I add another teenager to the list. Tyler is going to be 13! Lord, I pray this is an easier ride... PLEASE!

Sammy is going to be 14 and I really had hoped that maybe he could find a little job... but no one is hiring till around 16 years old.

They will be busy living at the golf course. Maybe Jordan will take it up more. Max can't wait to be old enough to golf with out having to have an adult there.

Josh will be happy (I think) to have his brothers home again. Zach will be happy to have a break from school.

I have so many things I want to accomplish this summer. We will have to see how much I get accomplished.

9 more sleeps! Summer ... here we come!

Friday, June 5, 2009

The End of a Long Day!

It's Friday night... I love Friday nights. I always have. We are down a few kids tonight. The house seems too quiet!

Max is at a friend's and Tyler is doing the 30 HOUR FAMINE! Yes... the grade 7s are experiencing lack of food for 30 hours, while having a big sleep over at school!

What a trooper! It really is hard to imagine the lack of food and water for so many people in the world while we have a ridiculous abundance.

I made a campfire and hung out with Jordan and Zach and the pups. What a gorgeous night. I love the smell of a campfire. I love smelling it in my babies hair.

Oh... let me tell you about my God sighting today. It is a silly story but was very real to me. Sammy's class was in Cobourg (about 45 minutes away) for a baseball game with a bunch of other 8th graders from other schools.

He was suppose to be there for 8:30 am... we missed the bus... (LONG STORY).

So I driving to the game and had trouble finding exactly where we were suppose to be going. After an hour of driving around, not finding the place, I said that if they were not at the next spot, we would have to head home.

No team... so I am looking for my way to the highway. Sammy is really disappointed and trying to be OK about it. I prayed... "God please help me." I was on a street in the middle of no where. On the right side we see lots of cars, some school buses and a ball diamond. This isn't oen of the spots I was suppose to look. I said, "Sammy don't think this is it..." SO off he goes to see if there were any familiar faces.

I see a smile! WOW! This really could only be a God thing. It was a small thing yet a huge thing. I needed a God sighting.

While I listen to my non-believing friends justify things, it is easy to see where FAITH really comes in play. I am so glad that I have Someone to believe in and have Someone I can yell to. What a great GPS!

You can choose to believe or not. I find believing a lot easier. I find that when I seek His presence I am always reassured in ways that make sense to me.

He comes down to my level. This is my God sighting. I needed it today. SO... thank you God. You know it all and I am so grateful for Your constant presence. I am always grateful for Your understanding my moments of doubt.

It's Friday night. I am so glad that each week has a beginning and an end.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hairy Issues...

This little boy wanted to know if the president's hair felt like his!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back to Miami Vice!

My day was full today. Sammy had a dentist appointment and then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing hooky and shopping for clothes etc.

Do you remember when your parents were telling you what to wear? Do you remember fighting them with all you had because they were NOT COOL? Except now as the parent, you know you are cool... you know what is IN! Well it still is the same ole thing.
My kids still think we are uncool.

Sammy wants to wear a WHITE TUX with a RED BOW TIE or RED SKINNY TIE for grad! Sanj has more issue with this than me... because I will be there clicking away... preserving the moment forever! lol

Sammy has a suit for grad. Thursday before graduation is the grad dinner. It is an intimate time with classmates, parents and staff. It is all about the graduating class. It is pretty dressy. Sammy wanted to wear a tux. So we went to check out the tuxs.
He tried on the white one. I said I am good with whatever for this night. The white tux was too big. Out of luck.

So a black tux, no vest with a black bow tie. :)

Can't wait! Then there is the fight over the hair. He is sure Sanj is out to make his hair dorky. lol
Oh boy. Lots of laughs.

As I was getting ready for the gym, I had gym tube socks scrunched down... Sammy looks at me and says, "I wouldn't wear then like that. All the geeky people wear socks like that!"

HELLO... how am I trying to impress at the gym?

We are running away from the Miami Vice days... and they are running toward it! Yikes!

Praise and Worship!

This weekend at church the older boys, Sammy and Tyler were on the junior praise team.

Sanj goes to the church every other Wed. before youth group and works with this group of kids. Both my boys played the guitar. It was a proud moment for me. They sounded good... and seemed to have a good time doing it.

Sammy announced before the songs, "No flash photography!"

So of course Mamarazzi was snapping and flashing away! :)

I love my boys!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Bad Words? YES!!! Many of them. I am your over the top idiot! Remember my last post... Max and his Taj Mahal project? Well I found a paper craft for making the Taj. As I worked on it (yes me...) it way to complex for Max to cut out properly. So I figured that he could help me assemble it. Well as I put together the first section... I realized it was way to complex for ME to put it together.

So I was off to idea number three. As I was waiting for a idea to fall out of heaven (literally)... I walked by the cake decorating isle. HEY! Why not make a cake??? One of the project's purpose it to identify the shapes in the building chosen. There are all sorts of shapes and stuff to make cakes. I would make this amazing creation and it was perfect because Max could do it all with me.The excitement was LITERALLY oozing out of me.

5 cake mixes later, more than a dozen eggs and many dirty dishes later... I start to assemble my masterpiece.


*&^%%$$@%$%&^%*&^(*&()(*)(*_(*_(**&*&&^%&%$^%#$#%$# !!!

Sanj walked in to see me dejected and defeated. The creation in my mind was not what appeared on the counter.

This is Max's expression when he saw it:

Needless to say, it is 8 p.m. and Sanj is off to rescue Max... off to town they are to get whatever to make this project so that it is not a embarrassment to the Sukumaran household or my sweet Max!

Why do I not KNOW my limits? I love projects and usually do a good job. But really creating a Taj Mahal out of cake? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???


Here is a picture of Sanj making THE TAJ.... Such concentration... such focus... guess that is why he is the PhD. student and I am

Zach is awaiting my help with his Animal Project... let's hope there is not drama there!