Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turned 40 years old! The number does sound old!!! I remember old people turning 40 and thinking ... wow... I can't imagine life when I am 40! Tada... I am 40 years old. I actually feel fabulous. I am happy, healthy and loved. What more can I really ask for?

I had a great weekend. I hate surprises (probably because I hate not being in control) so I planned my party with Sanj!
I was a FUNd raising in leu of gifts... by a ticket to my party ... a dinner cruise on the local Liftlock Cruise.

It was a great night! And we raised $2200 dollars towards the playground equipment for the boys school! How great is that for one evening? And we had a wonderful time!

My kiddies got me an Apple Air... which I am making good use of... and my hubby got me a Omega watch... one that I will have for the next 40 years!

I had lots of best wishes and calls and felt the love that blesses my life daily!

So it has indeed been a happy birthday!

Thank you God for being so faithful and present in my life. Even when I did not know it, I am so glad YOU are in control and so patient!
I love You for all YOU are ... a constant in my life! Thank you for the gift of my life. May I use it everyday to bring YOU glory and honor.