Sunday, June 22, 2008


Church was good today. I love church, at least until the sermon comes around (unless, of course it is my brother speaking). I love singing, the words are worship for me. Then when we sing the occasional hymn, it takes me back to another time in my life. It is good to go back, sometimes.

Today was a family church, where we all stay in the santuary, instead of the kids leaving after praise to go to their various classes. The theme was about The Potter. They brought in a potter who showed us it worked. She gave the kids some clay to play with afterwards. The boys loved it. Clay is not easy to get off whatever it gets on.

The last 2 songs were ones the kids got noise makers and instruments and sang with. The kids loved it. I thought, "This is what church is suppose to be like." This is where God is smiling down on us. The kids were being kids ... moving and making noise as the sang... as they worshipped. I loved it.

I love church. I hate the effort it takes to get there. There is another force ALWAYS at work while we are getting ready. Sanj was on the praise team... so he left early. As he passes our sunroom, he notices water on the floor. He calls me and lets me know, as he leaves. It is not a little water. It was flooded. One of the windows was ajar and it must have rained really hard last night. I was splashing around as I moved the furniture to sop up the water. I was not a happy person on my way to church.

Then I had the battle with Zach over what shoes he could wear. Sammy couldn't find any pants to wear. Jordan was walking around with a towel. Then there was Tyler, mopping about whether he would be able to golf later in the day. Then I have to walk into church and smile, say "Good Morning" to the cheerful greeters at the door.

I love church. I get fed most of the time. But why is it so hard? Is it this hard for other families? I think that Satan knows my buttons to push. The button is clearly marked "CHURCH".

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