Today is an Open House at The Ear Company. May is better Hearing and Speech Month. So my husband is going to have a very busy and tiring day.
It is rainy and very wet out... and Max and Zach have trips to the zoo to participate in the Water Festival... I was really hoping the sun would shine for them this day.
Sammy is approaching his graduation from 8th grade. I have a lot of mixed emotions. I think he is ready and excited to head to high school. I am happy for him and yet feel all the mixed emotions of him leaving Rhema. I love knowing that my children are loved and cared for. I never worried for the most part as I knew they were in the care of nurturing adults.
I am sure that will all be in place next year too... but it is still all new and unknown.
Jordan's class had THE TALK. Last night as we talked about stuff again, I really felt a feeling of franticness. There is so much out there. It is all part of growing up. Hormones, girls, parties, drugs... I am not quite ready yet... to have to deal with the reality of my boys growing up and knowing STuFF!
Maxwell is suppose to make one of the famous buildings in the world. He picked the Taj Mahal! Hello??? Could he not have just picked a square building? This is due next week. We are just starting. He is not really a procrastinator... so he is uptight.
I guess (aside from me being the world's best procrastinator) I was really hoping to change his mind to something like the
Greek Parthenon... which is rectangular and add some poles ... doll it up a bit... project done! He did actually say OK... but then I felt bad. How can I discourage my child from his choice because it is too hard or too time consuming? So Taj Mahal... here we come.
Zachary also has a project. The Grade 1 famous Animal Project. He is going to do it on Golden Labs. He is trying really hard in school... he wants to do his as a movie. I am not sure that will happen but never know!
Tyler... he is becoming a song writer. Too beautiful! He is also finding his own relationship with God. So great to watch... choices that are made... with no pressure. He is wanting to be baptized. (This is another blog....)
I enjoy the decision process that each boys makes... so different and so personal.
I guess that leaves Josh. Busy. Busy. Busy. That leaves me tired, tired, tired.
How I love my family. It is the end of the day... the rain has finally come and it is pouring. I love it. It is the best way to go to sleep... It is the perfect way to end a busy day.